I know that I link to these guys a lot, but this is ExCiTiNg!Eric and Dave [the duo Journal Fodder Junkies] started a challenge yesterday on their blog.
This week's challenge is I AM. I think I've already posted that, but I do think that who you ARE can change, daily. Even if it's as small as yesterday I would have written I AM FRUSTRATED, and today I would write I AM INSPIRED. So you could do an 'I Am' page every single day if you wanted!
Eric writes about having "the realization that our approach to the visual journal is all about the Everyday. Our journals are imbued with the ordinariness of our everyday lives." I think that is a big key to making a journal meaningful, and it doesn't have to all be about Big Ideas and Art-with-a-capital-A. Sometimes a log of your drugstore purchase that day is better than forcing some piece about a big issue.
So I highly encourage you to participate in this challenge, as well as leave a comment over on their site. If you want to post here and link there, that's cool too! Though visual journals are highly personal, I think that there is something important about sharing them, too. Maybe it's just a voyeuristic thing, but whatever. I love looking at other people's visual journals.