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Today I went to a presentation about blogging, and so think it appropriate to post about it here!
So it was about blogging and why it's important [imperative?] to integrate it into the classroom... but even more than that, the internet is THE place to share information, and as a teacher, I'm big into that kind of thing. I think teachers + classrooms + blogs + students just makes sense.
Teachers would be silly to pretend that their students (heck, they themselves!) are not spending the time they SHOULD be researching or doing homework sitting on the computer checking back and forth to what Facebook statuses say. Ignoring the power of technology and the internet is counter-productive to good education practices.
The presenter was a history teacher in my school. Check out what Ms. Kav is doing in her history classes... and why I'd be much better at history if I had been in her class. She's way better than I am with posting videos, and pictures that don't disappear mysteriously after a day, and she's got a great discussion happening there. Maybe we should collaborate and teach a technologic-art-history class... Hm. That'd be cool.
And then I get to thinking about why I'm so grateful to have this technology, and it's more than just a place to spew information. Hopefully, anyone who's reading this will have the opportunity to go a little further and explore visual journaling a little more, and and hopefully to know there's at least one other person out there [me] who thinks visual journaling is important enough to share information about.
image via ucla
Reflect on technology's role in your life. Personally, I think my iPhone and MacBook are some good-lookin' pieces of technology, so whether it's a drawing of your technology, your thoughts about technology, a conspiracy theory linking the internet and Big Brother, or just a list of the the devices that have inflitrated your life, use this page to express it.
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